Dismantling, new construction or continued operation without the support by the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)? Many operators will have to ask themselves these questions over the next few years, as many wind farms are no longer eligible for support under the EEG.
One possibility is repowering, where old turbines are replaced by new, more powerful wind turbines. Due to the advanced technologies, modern wind turbines can generate significantly more electricity, so that a smaller number of turbines is required and the volume of power generated can still be multiplied.
In the course of repowering, a completely new project is being planned and the approval procedure is being re-initiated. Questions of planning law or social interests, the dismantling of old wind turbines as well as various economic aspects make repowering a very complex task and require a high degree of experience in the project planning of wind farms.
Another particular challenge is the constant attention paid to all changes at the federal and local levels. In-depth knowledge of corporate law and precise coordination with the legal framework conditions are required.
Deciding on the future direction of your wind farm often raises many questions:
When is the best time to engage in repowering? Is dismantling, continued operation or repowering more sensible? What happens to the old wind turbines? What are the advantages for residents, operators and municipalities?
The WKN team has over 30 years of experience in the project planning of wind farms and an impressive network of engineers, business people and lawyers with extensive know-how. We would be glad to support you in all questions regarding repowering, together with our partner, BGZ Fondsverwaltung.